
Thursday, February 14, 2013

OPAM 2013

OPAM stands for One Project A Month.  Peg and Kris have been running it for four years now and do a marvellous job of organising it.  I took part in the first OPAM and had a ball.  This year I thought...."Why not?"  It is a stress free way of trying to finish one "soft" project a month (fabric, wool or thread related), with a giant cheer squad!  It is all about having fun and work on projects we would LIKE to work on, not necessarily HAVE to work on!

Since I'm closing my other blogs, I decided to post my January and February finishes.


A vase rug.

Tea cosy set.

Wall hanging from tea cozy set.

My first original hat.


Loo roll cover.  Plus there was Love Cats.  I'm hoping to add a couple more finishes for February.


  1. WOW those are some lovely finishes, Sue - especially that tea cozy set - that fabric is totally perfect! Did Lestat help with Love Cats? LOL!!

  2. OPAM sounds great! I think I will join in.

    I love your vase rug. And your hat. And the other ones. ;D

  3. I love the tea cosy set, goes perfectly with the wall hanging. The kettle here is almost always on, it's always a good time for a cup of tea
